
In-Ground Fences

An in-ground electronic fence provides a reliable, customisable way to keep your canine or feline companion safe in your garden. With some simple tools and a little bit of do-it-yourself experience, you can plan your layout, bury wires in your yard or garden and start training your pet in one weekend.
8 Item(s)
Classic In-Ground Fence™ Rechargeable Receiver Collar Classic In-Ground Fence™ Rechargeable Receiver Collar
Classic In-Ground Fence™ Rechargeable Receiver Collar PIG19-17479

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Classic In-Ground Fence™ Classic In-Ground Fence™
Classic In-Ground Fence™ PIG19-17478

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Basic In-Ground Fence System Basic In-Ground Fence System
Basic In-Ground Fence System PIG19-16412

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Rechargeable In-Ground Fence™ System Rechargeable In-Ground Fence™ System
Rechargeable In-Ground Fence™ System PIG19-16413

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In-Ground Fence™ System In-Ground Fence™ System
In-Ground Fence™ System PIG19-15394

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Deluxe In-Ground Cat Fence™ System Deluxe In-Ground Cat Fence™ System
Deluxe In-Ground Cat Fence™ System PCF-1000-20

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Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence™ System Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence™ System
Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence™ System PRF-3004XW-20

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Little Dog Deluxe In-Ground Fence™ System Little Dog Deluxe In-Ground Fence™ System
Little Dog Deluxe In-Ground Fence™ System PIG20-11041

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